My opinions. :)

Monday 30 April 2012

V for Vendetta

    I think this is a great movie. The character V is a very powerful character in this movie. He show that you shouldn't be afraid of your governement, and that the government should be afraid of the people. I think that the government had too much control over the people and what the people did. This movie is really encouraging and I personally think it's so great that one person could make a huge change and sometimes we forget that, sometimes we forget that one person can make a change, or that you could make a change. I think that this movie well relates to probably everyone, you can only see it if you take the time to think about it, and look closely. Many people are afraid to stand up, their afraid to except the truth, afraid to stand up for the truth, their afraid die, their just afraid of everything, we are just afraid of everything. I think that fear takes up a huge part of our lives and that we need stand up to our fears, because fear is a lie. We weren't made to fear.  

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