My opinions. :)

Tuesday 22 May 2012


A social worker...?

It seems like a very serious job. You have to be on top of everything, be persuasive, social, and you get to be dressed up all the time. I don't think that a social worker would be my type of  job, because I don't have those qualities, like being persuasive and social, these are some of the things that I lack. You would also really get to know your clients and create a bond with them.On the other hand I would love getting all dressed up everyday. But overall I think this wouldn't be my job.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

More jobs?..Midwife

Hmm... a midwife. This job actually seem pretty exciting, running around catching babies. I wouldn't mind this job. You would be apart of something beautiful. You would be helping others, and you would see new life coming into this world probably everyday.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Professor of Environmental Science

In my oppion this is a pretty cool job. Your helping the enviornment and your helping the farther generations to come. The really crazy thing is the amount of schooling you have to go through. Jenn a proffessor that came to our class room said that it took her about ten years to become a Professor of Environmental science. I think that would the the craziest part because I'm not really a school girl. This does sound like an awesome job, and she did say it was a really secure job when you get in. Yeah but overall this sounds like a super amazing job, and I wouldn't mind having a job that works to help the enviornment. BYE!

Vice president, RIM

      It sounds alright. I like the fact that you get free blackberries; and that their phone bill is payed for already. But there's something about it that feels weird, mabey it's the fact that they are way to obsessive over blackberry products? I don't know. It doesn't seem like a bad job, but it wouldn't be the best job. I would probably consider a Job at RIM as one of my last options. Personally when you think of a job you'd want in the future usually it's something more outstanding than a vice president at RIM. Usually when you think of future jobs you think of things like a teacher, a counceler, a singer, a artist, etc. Yeah bye. :)

Wednesday 9 May 2012

T.V. Journalist

T.V. journalist..... I personally think it's a cool job, working on air, and meeting famous individuals. But I don't think it would be my kind of job. It's really hard for me to make things up on the spot especially if it was on live television. You would have to be at every scene good or bad, no matter how terrified or happy you are. You would also have to have an outgoing personality, me I am really quiet person and I usually make situations awkward.  So I personally think this isn't a job for me. :) BYE   

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Math Lecturer

I think this job would be great for people that are outstanding in math. Me personally I could never do that because I'm not great in math.

Wednesday 2 May 2012


  Most people like to see it as people that live on rules, or people that are perfect, and do everything the right way, or people that are always pushing God on you. Let me clear things up a bit. I do belive in God, and Jesus Christ and I am pretty religous at times. But let me tell you NO ONES PERFECT, and we all make mistakes, and its natural. People tend to point out every flaw that a religous person does or says, but seriously we are all the same, we all mess up. Commandments where made by God and carried out through man to help us (The Bible) steer our lives in the right direction, towards God, towards Heaven. Many people say that there are so many rules involved in christianity but yet they don't look around them, the government has at least 980 pages full of laws and rules they could use aganist you, and there are only ten commandments that God gives us.  But most religous people see it as rules to get to God, rules to get to heaven, but they don't see that God he's already here with us, and that only through Jesus and our faith can we get there. So what matters most is your faith and the life you live out for God.


It's crazy job! I don't think I ever handle that job. It sound super amazing, and it probably feels amazing knowing that your saving lives. I think they have guts to do what they do. 

Monday 30 April 2012

V for Vendetta

    I think this is a great movie. The character V is a very powerful character in this movie. He show that you shouldn't be afraid of your governement, and that the government should be afraid of the people. I think that the government had too much control over the people and what the people did. This movie is really encouraging and I personally think it's so great that one person could make a huge change and sometimes we forget that, sometimes we forget that one person can make a change, or that you could make a change. I think that this movie well relates to probably everyone, you can only see it if you take the time to think about it, and look closely. Many people are afraid to stand up, their afraid to except the truth, afraid to stand up for the truth, their afraid die, their just afraid of everything, we are just afraid of everything. I think that fear takes up a huge part of our lives and that we need stand up to our fears, because fear is a lie. We weren't made to fear.  

FFP course

 I actually think this is a pretty cool course. I like the fact that this class is 2 periods long. I think it gets some what boring sitting in the same class for too long, but it's a good because you get more time to finish alot of your homework, and assignments. It's kind of confusing because you have so much assinments given to you at the same time, or around the same time. And your work just begins to stack up and it just becomes a huge mess. It's a pain sometimes if you don't keep on top of your work. Overall I think that this is a  pretty cool course, it's something different and I would recommend it to others.

Wednesday 25 April 2012


      If I where to vote I think I would vote for liberal. I would vote liberal because they are many positive things that they are offering to the public. First of all they are going to reduce taxes. They are help the environment by doing projects that will reduce green house gas emissions. Lastly they are going giving $41 billion dollars to strengthen the health care system, and are also including wait time reduction plan.

Thursday 12 April 2012

Bulimia, Anorexia :(

    This is just really sad. Sometimes I just wonder why people are doing this to themselves? Your Beautiful in every way! And you should never let anyone tell you wrong. Because people  they don't know who you are, they don't know your story. So be strong, and don't feel insure, cause it's the inside that matters the most. Society also plays a big role in self image. Alot of girls want to be what they see in the cinima, and on ads. I think every girl does. But remember the ads we see are air brushed, edited, and include ALOT of make-up. So don't let those things fool you. You should feel beautiful the way you are. Have some respect  for yourself.